Monday, July 20, 2009

Stephen King- My Favorite Writer

Stephen King is the author of authors with more than fifty books, all of them worldwide bestsellers. Some of his most recent are Under the Dome: A Novel, The Dark Tower, Cell, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, Everything's Eventual, Hearts In Atlantis (1998). His acclaimed nonfiction book, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft , was also a bestseller.

Since the early 1970s, Stephen King has been America's most famous horror writer and one of my favorites when I'm look for intense plots and vivid characters of suspense and horror.

Kings books have been a mainstay of paperback book racks everywhere, and have spawned a multi-media franchise that includes movies like Stephen King's "N.", TV shows, video games and comic books. King can be seen in cameo appearances in most movies made from his story's.

Some of his memorable string of bestsellers began with Carrie (1974), and his early horror novels include Salem's Lot (1975), The Shining (1977) and The Dead Zone(1979), all of which have been adapted for film or television.

Since conquering the horror market, King has written novels in other genres and experimented with various publishing methods, including issuing installments of The Green Mile(1996). King's other books include: The Stand (1978); Firestarter (1980); Cujo (1981); Pet Sematary (1983); Insomnia (1984); Misery (1987); Delores Claiborne (1992).

Stephen King also writes under the pseudonym Richard Bachman... King is also one of the members of the Rock Bottom Remainders, a rock band made up of published writers and including Dave Barry and Amy Tan. Stephen King link for best selling releases at
So what is your favorite Stephen King book? I enjoyed The Stand. Why you ask? Its a brilliant read... There is no other reason - it has been done so well with the plot and characters. All his books are great as they are very deep in plot and character creation. He is truly one of the greatest authors in this world.
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